Spring Semester 2023

Dear Tulane Community:


The Spring 2023 semester is now underway, and I am expecting it to be one for the ages. We have so much to be grateful for and to look forward to in this new year and new era of Tulane!


Through scholarship, research and service, Tulane students, faculty and staff are collaborating and innovating like never before to increase knowledge, make discoveries, improve lives and move society ever forward. This is, indeed, a great time to be a Tulanian.


The recent success of the Green Wave football team is a window into Tulane’s current upward trajectory. It is emblematic of the achievements we are enjoying in every dimension of our university.


Like all Tulane students, our student-athletes’ commitment to excellence continues in their service to the community. A reporter recently told me about his coverage of our football team’s visit to Children’s Hospital. Although, he had covered dozens of such visits by various teams and celebrities through the years, this one was different. “You could tell that the team really wanted to be there,” he said.


Those are true champions and true Tulanians. This is what sets our university apart. Our students really want to be here. That is why they are nationally ranked among students who love their university and city the most. They have found belonging and a sense of purpose, whether they are carrying out cancer research or winning Fulbrights and other top academic awards.


Our faculty and staff share and inspire this sense of purpose. They teach and support the country’s top scholars. They break ground on scholarship that advances human insight and research that leads to new tests and treatments that will bring comfort and cures to patients worldwide.


Tulane also continues to grow in its world-class facilities. Our current unprecedented level of construction is bringing more student residences, more classrooms, more research labs and more space to do more good. These new spaces will spur collaboration, innovation and shared intellectual and social experiences. This is true both uptown and in our city’s core where our downtown campus is expanding at a historic pace, furthering our mission of research, teaching and care.


We are home to the best and brightest students from increasingly diverse backgrounds. Our faculty is world-class, and our staff is the most dedicated and committed anywhere. We began this semester as champions, and with our amazing lineup of students, faculty and staff, I have no doubt that we will end as champions too!
