The Krewe du View from Gibson - Happy Mardi Gras!

Dear Tulane Community,

Tulane student Ellen Kurensky recently wrote that Mardi Gras is the No. 1 reason to attend Tulane University. Now I could rattle off 1,001 more important reasons. But, I do have to admit that the stunning creativity, sense of adventure and the pushing of boundaries that embodies Mardi Gras also fuels the innovation for which Tulane is widely known.

New Orleans helps give us our edge and our spirit. It is the reason why Tulanians don't just think outside of the box, we take the box apart, use some duct tape and make it into a costume. Carnival is also a time to focus on family and community, to preserve and celebrate our culture and history and to instill moments of sheer joyfulness into our lives.

As I watched, waved and jumped for throws (and shoes!) at Muses last night, I was proud to see that once again, Tulanians are involved at every level of the city-wide celebration of Carnival, as Rolling Elvi, 610 Stompers and in glittering hundreds of those shoes that I begged for last night. We will also proudly cheer on our Tulane Marching Band as it performs in the Endymion and Orpheus parades.

My only request of you for the next four days is that you have a good and safe time. So before you head out to the parades, please check out the safety tips and resources available.

And if you need some stylistic tips on getting a coveted throw, check out the photos below.

Happy Mardi Gras!