Honoring our Teachers

Dear Tulane Community,

Academician, instructor, professor, lecturer, tutor, pedagogue. There are many words to describe a teacher. Perhaps that’s because these individuals do so much – provide direction, exchange ideas, build confidence and inspire greatness in students until they equal or surpass their teacher.

At Commencement 2017 we will honor the best of Tulane teaching by recognizing five faculty members who exemplify and advance this foundational pillar that, along with research, informs all we do and all we are at Tulane. 

Elisabeth McMahon, associate professor of history and Africana studies, will receive the Weiss Presidential Fellowship for Undergraduate Teaching as will her colleague Beth Wee, senior professor of practice in the psychology department; associate dean for undergraduate studies; director of masters and undergraduate neuroscience programs and adjunct professor in the ecology and evolutionary biology department. 

Janet C. Hoeffel, Catherine D. Pierson Professor of Law, and Victor Moll, professor of mathematics, will receive the President’s Awards for Graduate and Professional Teaching. Dr. Jiang He, Joseph S. Copes Chair and Professor in the Department of Epidemiology, will receive the Oliver Fund Award for Excellence in Faculty Mentoring.

"I could always rely on her to strengthen my weaknesses." "She has managed to support me not only in my neuroscience interests but also my musical interests as well." "Absolute dedication to students." "His dedication doesn’t end when the student finishes his/her degree; once a student of his, always a student of his."

These are just a few of the many comments gleaned from the nominating process for this year's teaching and faculty mentor awards. So much more can be said about these extraordinary teachers. But no matter how many awards or recognition we give them, it will never be enough to honor the ways they have transformed the lives of our students.