Can I put this on my résumé?

Tara Goolsby, a sophomore pursuing a double major in legal studies in business and Spanish, recently served as President for a Day after winning one of the top prizes for completing the Climate Survey. One of Tara's many duties as Tulane president was to pen this week's "View from Gibson." Here is her entry.

Hello Tulanians,

This past Monday I had the honor of being the President of Tulane University. I didn’t get to throw a huge dinner party in the Presidential mansion, get paid, or even have the opportunity to change a few of the grades on my transcript, but that doesn’t mean the day wasn't amazing.

Other than the select members of the 2016 Tulane baseball team and its staff, has anybody gotten to wear a Tulane University conference championship ring? Well, I did as I toured the presidential sector of Gibson and met my staff. I got to chat with my predecessor (who is also my successor) about the ins and outs of the job and about how heavy his presidential chain is.

We dined on the delicacies of Slice pizzeria because “'Presidents eat good" before I was carted off to my classes for the day – because what is a President if not first a scholar? Did I mention I was allowed full access to the Presidential golf cart equipped with a driver and everything?

By the end of my classes, I was craving some excitement. What was this title if I didn't get to experience the power that came with it? And so, I was whisked to the LBC for the very last University Senate meeting of the year. Want to know what is intimidating? Sitting at a very large table filled with different deans and professors of Tulane while they're being told that I was their new boss. Most would think that a senate meeting would be a snooze, but there were many times when I wished I had a gavel to keep some of the peace! Under my reign, we approved a new budget and a new Student Code of Conduct – exciting, I know. But the most important thing I took from the meeting was the passion and dedication that our professors and deans have for our education. Their desire to protect our best interests and ensure that we are getting the utmost consideration was extremely comforting.

Sadly, at the end of the day, I had to pass the torch back to President Fitts, but I came away knowing things that I hadn't known before. I know I really like being carted across campus. I know that I don't want to be President of Tulane for more than a day at a time. I know that I enjoyed the feeling of sitting at the head of large conference-like situation. But most importantly, I know that I love this school more and more every day.

Good luck to everyone with exams, especially those of you reading this now instead of studying!

Tara Goolsby