Back to Future, The New Tulanian

An old (and new) friend will soon arrive in your mailboxes. The Tulanian – Tulane's flagship publication – is back.


The first Tulanian was published in 1928. In 2011, the Tulanian was renamed Tulane Magazine. While this moniker has served us well for the past seven years, readers would often write to tell us how much they missed the old name. In fact, in true New Orleans fashion, many forgot (refused?) to use the new name.


So we have brought the old Tulanian name back, along with a new look and feel made for the future. This includes a completely fresh design, matte finish, social media content, new editorial columns and bolder photography that better reflect the unique, interdisciplinary work Tulanians are engaged in every day. Whether you are an alumnus, student, parent, faculty or staff — the new Tulanian is for you. Relaunching the Tulanian is part of a broader, university-wide initiative to ensure that all of our communications work together to tell the Tulane story. At the heart of this story is how we stand apart from other universities to create the solutions the world needs most.


Bringing back the Tulanian also makes the final issue of Tulane Magazine (June 2018) something of a collector's item. Don't believe me? In 1928, I doubt the owner of the very first edition of the Tulanian (see photo below) thought it was much of a treasure either. We have come a long way since that first printing, but many of you have cherished and held on to various issues of our beloved magazine through the years. So please tag our Instagram account @tulaneU in a photo of you with your oldest or favorite Tulanian or Tulane Magazine issue, along with an explanation of why it is so important to you. We will all enjoy the trip back to the future.

Tulanian 1928