Academic Year-In-Review 2022-2023

Dear Tulane Community:

Looking back over the past academic year, there’s no denying that it was a year like no other.

On a weekly or even daily basis, history was being made—by faculty doing groundbreaking research or being honored for life-changing teaching; by students earning prestigious national fellowships; by trailblazers recognized for leading the way toward a more diverse and inclusive society. And, yes, by our Goodyear Cotton Bowl-winning football team.

We all felt like champions this year. The Class of 2023 memorably captured this feeling at Commencement, singing along to the classic Queen anthem “We Are the Champions."

It’s wonderful to celebrate these triumphant moments together, especially after the challenges we’ve faced in recent years. It’s also important to celebrate the victories that don’t come with confetti cannons, second lines or trophies.

In the Academic Year in Review, we’ll show you the different kinds of champions you’ll find at Tulane: champions of research and innovation; of literature and literacy; and of the New Orleans community and its surrounding ecosystem.

Across our schools, departments and programs, these Tulanians are driving an unprecedented momentum that is unique in the current landscape of higher education. We’re witnessing an explosion of research and innovation in parallel with an evolution of our campuses: new residential and STEM facilities on our uptown campus, and a wholesale transformation of the downtown campus and its surrounding area as we open new facilities and begin to redevelop the iconic Charity Hospital building.

When we celebrate the successes of our colleagues, our classmates and our teammates, there won’t always be fireworks. But our collective joy and pride will provide the fuel for another history-making year ahead. I hope you’ll enjoy taking a moment to relive and revel in our accomplishments.
