The Language of Community

Dear Tulane Community:

Our culture at Tulane is one of collaboration, care and compassion. Each day, I am inspired by the moments when I get to see this culture in action. Over the past week I have witnessed many such moments: important reminders that even in these most difficult and challenging times, we have a powerful network of support that lets us know we are not alone.

We’ll see many more of these moments during the upcoming Wave Weekend, Oct. 19-22.  This is an annual celebration of all things Tulane and all Tulanians: Homecoming, Reunions and Family Weekend rolled into one. McAlister Auditorium will be lit in festive green as a new homecoming court is honored for their leadership on campus. Alumni, families and friends will join us for memorable musical moments, fascinating faculty talks, and of course the Goodyear Cotton Bowl champion football team’s homecoming game against North Texas. Tulanians who haven’t visited in a while—even if it’s only been a year— will marvel at the evolution of our campuses.

New Orleans celebrates a relational, engaged culture embodied by a lexicon full of phrases—from “who dat” to “how’s ya mom’n’em”—that serve as a shorthand for establishing the relationships between people and checking in on the well-being of our extended family. At Tulane, we have one special phrase with a myriad of meanings, all of which serve to connect us as a community. It can cheer our teams on the court, the gridiron or the field. It can serve as a warm greeting when we spot a fellow Tulanian sporting Green Wave gear on our travels. It can kick off our students’ academic journeys at Convocation and congratulate them on their achievements at Commencement. And it can remind us that together, we can find the strength and resilience to change the world for the better.

I hope we’ll have a chance to say it together often in the coming week: ROLL WAVE!

